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Call of Duty Mobile DB Bot Commands

A list of all the commands available in the Call of Duty Mobile DB Bot.

The bot supports both slash commands and prefixed commands.

General Commands

/help or !helpDisplays important information about the bot.
/commands or !commandsDisplays a list of all the commands available in the bot.
/ping or !pingChecks if the bot is online.

CoDM Commands

/weapons or !weaponsDisplays a list of all the weapons in the game.
/weapon <weapon name> or !weapon <weapon name>Displays information about a specific weapon.
/secondaries or !secondariesDisplays a list of all the secondary weapons in the game.
/secondary <weapon name> or !secondary <weapon name>Displays information about a specific secondary weapon.
/perks or !perksDisplays a list of all the perks in the game.
/perk <perk name> or !perk <perk name>Displays information about a specific perk.
/modes or !modesDisplays a list of all the modes in the game.
/maps or !mapsDisplays a list of all the maps in the game.
/scorestreaks or !scorestreaksDisplays a list of all the scorestreaks in the game.
/skills or !skillsDisplays a list of all the operator skills in the game.
/classes or !classesDisplays a list of all the operator classes in the game.
/characters or !charactersDisplays a list of all the characters in the game.